Now I know the title of this post probably caught you off guard..I'm sure of it. Anyhoo, to get to the point, what do you do if your man comes up short? "Short of what?" you ask. Well, I mean short in the "man" department...
Ok, so one of my friends had been involved in a serious relationship with her,now husband for 2 years before they tied the knot about a month ago. Prior to getting married, she decided to stay celibate until their honeymoon. By making this decision, there was now way of her being able to try out the goods. So the night of their honeymoon, she calls me around 3:30 in the a.m. (I'm guessing after she tried the goods!) all hysterical. In the process of trying to calm her down, I finally got out of her the reason why she was so upset. All she kept saying was that "It's microscopic, it's microscopic!" The term "microscopic" came from our younger days used to describe a certain anatomy on a male. I was speechless, but trying to muffle my laugh at the same time. (sorry!)
I have absolutely no idea what I would do in this situation...probably run for the hills!!! I know that sex isn't the main part of a relationship, but come on now. I would say that 40% of it is love, trust and all that other good , mushy stuff and the other 60% of it is sexual compatibility/chemistry.
So CHIME in and let me know what you would do!
***Chime Time...
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